You may or may not have noticed several months have passed since my stated commitment to write this newsletter (last year). The “coming soon” post landed in September 2020. I wondered how and where to begin, repeatedly resisting the urge to rant-write in reaction to the disturbing things unfolding before us. Needless to say, I delayed.
Originally, I envisioned this newsletter as a source of positivity and brightness for our pandemic-y days. With that in mind, I reflected on why it’s taken more than three months to write and publish something. I suppose I had no excess goodness to share…what little positivity I possessed, I was selfishly preserving for myself.
Recently, I was re-invited to recognize the reality that living through a pandemic has its subtle effects — imperceptible mini-impacts that layer on top of one another over time, mostly visible through hindsight’s lens. I did what I could in 2020; it turns out that writing this newsletter wasn’t part of “what I could.”
Enter 2021. This week, I breathed a grateful sigh of relief when America's leadership changed hands.
For the first time in four years, the world around me started making sense again. The government began picking up pieces of its four-year rampage of environmental destruction and social disruption. A bit of haze cleared to reveal the possibility of a harmonious future and a habitable planet. Humanity might be able to preserve itself after all.
I’ve noticed my emotional winds shifting toward equanimity, so I thought I’d share an update.
Information, inspiration, and invitations for discussion.
🤝 Allyship
Opportunities to be a better ally to BIPOC folks.
A slice of Indigenous history:
29 December, 2020, was the 130th anniversary of the Wounded Knee Massacre. I wasn’t familiar with its history, so I committed to learn more about it. I studied Ruth H. Hopkins’ documentation of the tragic event, and the film and book entitled Bury My Heart at Wounded Knee. The march toward allyship (I think) includes steps to understand the cultural history of the Peoples I wish to support. It’s not always fun to learn the true history, which was hidden and/or misrepresented within the educational institutions I attended. But it’s an unavoidable part of the path toward justice.
🕯️ Meditative Moments
Add some calm to your day.
The Nature segment of CBS Sunday Morning is a go-to for instant serenity when I’m operating within the confines of the internet.
▶️ Now Playing
Books, music, film, pods, etc.
📚 My sister gave me a book aptly named Wintering: The Power of Rest and Retreat in Difficult Times. I’m half-way through; I love it and fully endorse it. NPR’s interview with the author offers a nice preview.
🎧 I curated a playlist (on Spotify) of songs whose lyrics resonated and rallied me in 2020, and hopeful tunes that have begun ringing true in 2021.
🎥 Rooted Messages is a project its creators describe in this way: “In this time of Covid-19 we asked 16 indigenous wisdom keepers from around the planet: ‘What does the world need to hear right now?’” I’ve found Indigenous wisdom to be invaluable and highly applicable, particularly during the pandemic. The 16 messages are available to read, watch, and listen.
What are you reading and/or listening to that you wish everyone could experience?
💬 Discuss
Comment or hit reply to discuss a specific prompt or topic, ask a question, give feedback, etc.

That’s all for now. 👋
I’ll be back in your inbox in February, 2021, assuming I’m still welcome. 😉
Peace & love to you & yours.
~ Tim Falls
That may have been delayed, but it was some Epic Tim. 👍
In your intro, you use the phrase 'imperceptible mini-impacts', and further write about ally-ship and I can't help but think of the micro aggressions (and the less-than-mini aggressions) that our brothers and sisters of color face constantly. Could the pandemic bring increased sensitivity to the pain inflicted on POC by being an effective simulation of those lives? Do I dare put hope in hardship as a lesson to the privileged (myself included)?
Nicely assembled, Timmy. Looking forward to looking forward together.