What is What Falls Up?

I started writing this newsletter in 2020, to stay connected and reconnect with friends and family and connect with new people, outside the confines and addictive traps of social media like Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, etc.

Since then, it’s gone through some pauses and iterations.

Almost everything has changed in the last ~4 years — social media has changed; the world has changed; I’ve changed.

What hasn’t changed is the belief that, through good old-fashioned email, we can build new relationships and maintain and strengthen old ones.

Shall we?…

Here’s how it works:

  • I’ll write occasional posts, including updates and reflections on my life experiences, meaningful topics, causes I care about, and important happenings.

  • If what I share interests you, reply to continue the conversation.

A typical newsletter might include:

  • Reflections on the human experience.

  • Information and resources on issues that deserve attention.

  • Invitations for dialogue, collaboration, and collective action-taking.

  • Climate justice, consciousness, spirituality, art, health and wellness, technology.

    Read past* editions of Newsletter Falls here. *Note: I paused writing this newsletter for awhile (June 2021-2024); things may appear different pre- and post-blip.

How frequently are emails sent?

If I’m feeling good, I’ll share every 1-3 months. If not, I might disappear for another few years. 😉

You can unsubscribe at any time. It may or may not hurt my feelings; if it does, that’s on me / not you, and I’ll get over it. 😘

Subscribe to What Falls Up

Updates and reflections on life, by Tim Falls


Hippie in tech - building communities, starting a startup (again), advocating for nature, and healing for all.